Social networks are developing and integrating new tools to encourage users to make purchases directly from the social network. A godsend for the professionals that you are! Sponsored ads, precise targeting options, call-to-action buttons, … are just a few examples among many others. But marketing and advertising tools are only the beginning of Social Commerce. Soon social networks will be real commercial platforms where you can sell your products.
These social networks that are becoming e-commerce platforms Pinterest was the first to launch into e-commerce in 2015 when it launched a Buyable Pins button in the United States. This fax list function should soon arrive in France. Similarly, the “Lens” and “Shop the Look” functions will also be deployed in stride. The first is a sort of Shazam of the object, the second allows you to identify and buy all the products present in a photo. Instagram also plans to roll out two new Social.
Commerce-friendly features this year: booking services online and purchasing products . Why engage in Social Commerce? To precisely reach your target audience The advantage of social networks lies in the data they generate: Big Social Data . This data allows you, thanks to effective tools, to precisely target the segment of customers and prospects you are targeting. Facebook, which has the most users, is perhaps the most relevant social network for targeting your customers. But of course it all depends on who you want to reach. If they are professionals within the framework of a BtoB strategy, then LinkedIn will be preferred.