Usually receive within business days. Any additional information or documentation ne to verify your organization will be request. If or a local partner has already verifi you, you will ne to use a verification token to apply for an account. Find your auth token by logging into your account it should look something like. Your verification token will expire in days. However, you can always create a new verification token through your account. Once the active product is fully verifi, you can get start. You ne to activate the product you wish to use.
There are four main products you can use: For Latest Mailing Database Nonprofits. Helps nonprofits collaborate using business apps lik and . Advertising grants for non-profit organizations. Reach donors, recruit volunteers, and build awareness with in-kind ads on search. public welfare program. Tell your story with immersive video that captures the attention of global audiences. Google Earth and Maps. Track your organization's impact with engaging data visualizations in . You can help people find the resources closest to them. Start building your ad portfolio Activation is the last step before taking the plunge. Now is the time to get creative.
Whether you want to start creating engaging videos or generate website traffic with ad funding, you now have the tools to get the most out of your account. You can browse the video tutorials and operation guides to learn more. The Ad Grants Help Center also covers the basic concepts behind creating grants If you're feeling a little overwhelm, you're not alone. We stand ready to help nonprofits explore the tools available to them. We'll help you master Ad Grants to attract as many eager eyes as possible. How to Stay Eligible for Ad GrantsAs long as you're eligible, you're free to help nonprofits, but nonprofits aren't allow to abuse their system.