Marketing is considered to be a great career for creative people and that is true. When people think of marketing, they think of advertising campaigns, writing and designing brochures, sales and it is all of those things. In the 21st century, you can add database designer, web designer, analytics expert and more. It is exceedingly rare to find all that expertise in one Swiss Army Knife of a person.
That's where the time honored tradition of outsourced email list marketing comes into play. At the very least, companies outsourced their advertising from print to video and they still do. Now, in addition to video and print, companies now outsource web design, database design, and many more jobs that are now part of marketing. FIRM IT UP! If you want to hire a marketing department, you need to have deep pockets! Hiring all of the expertise you need is expensive. Most small to medium businesses can't afford to hire an entire department.
Outsourced marketing is an excellent solution. When you decide to hire an outsourced marketing firm, you want a firm with all of the tools you need to meet your company's needs and goals. Like Swiss Army knives, different firms have different tools. For example, GottaLotta Marketing (GLM) specializes in Internet marketing from web design to search engine optimization (SEO) to social media optimization (SMO).